includes/hooks.php: cp_action_formbuilder() | Called in cp_formbuilder() to hook into form builder. |
includes/custom-forms.php: cp_formbuilder_field | Builds and displays ad submission form based on passed form fields. |
includes/functions.php: cp_editor() | Outputs the HTML for a single instance of the editor. |
includes/functions.php: cp_get_the_term_list() | Returns the taxonomy terms list. |
includes/utils.php: cp_explode() | Explodes string into array by non escaped delimiter. |
framework/kernel/functions.php: appthemes_clean() | Cleanes string from slashes and whitespaces |
framework/kernel/functions.php: appthemes_str_starts_with() | Checks whether string begins with given string |
framework/kernel/functions.php: appthemes_get_template_part() | Load a template part into a template |
framework/scb/Util.php: html() | |