includes/custom-forms.php: cp_get_form_id() | Returns custom form id based on category id passed in. |
includes/custom-forms.php: cp_get_custom_form_fields() | Returns form fields for given form ID. |
includes/hooks.php: cp_action_before_ad_details() | Called in cp_get_ad_details() to hook before ad details. |
includes/hooks.php: cp_action_after_ad_details() | Called in cp_get_ad_details() to hook after ad details. |
includes/custom-forms.php: cp_ad_disabled_details_fields | Displays all the custom fields on the single ad page, by default they are placed in the list area. |
framework/kernel/functions.php: appthemes_make_clickable() | Convert plaintext URI to HTML links. |
framework/scb/Util.php: html() | |