Function: Displays notice on settings page about disabled redirect from WordPress login pages.
Source: theme-framework/kernel/functions.php:233
Function: Displays notice on settings page about disabled redirect from WordPress login pages.
Source: theme-framework/kernel/functions.php:233
Source: theme-framework/kernel/functions.php:162
Function: Email login credentials to a newly-registered user.
Source: theme-framework/kernel/functions.php:175
Function: Adds ‘login_post’ context which changes URL scheme and escape URL for displaying on site
Source: theme-framework/kernel/functions.php:216
Function: Loads the language-specific translation .mo file.
Source: theme-framework/kernel/functions.php:17
Function: Checks if a file is located in template directory.
Source: theme-framework/kernel/functions.php:30
Function: Generates a better title tag than wp_title().
Source: theme-framework/kernel/functions.php:43
Function: Includes custom post types into main feed, hook to ‘request’ filter
Source: theme-framework/kernel/functions.php:80
Function: Returns user edit profile url.
Source: theme-framework/kernel/functions.php:100
Function: Returns an array of user profile options for Display Name field.
Source: theme-framework/kernel/functions.php:115