Function: This function migrates parent theme mods to the child theme.
Source: examples/clipper-child/functions.php:49
Function: This function migrates parent theme mods to the child theme.
Source: examples/clipper-child/functions.php:49
Action Hook: Fires before the ‘Username’ field on the ‘Edit Your Profile’ page.
Source: parts/content-edit-profile.php:40
Action Hook: Fires after the ‘New Password’ field on the ‘Edit Your Profile’ page.
Source: parts/content-edit-profile.php:99
Source: functions.php:273
Class: Form processing class
Source: includes/stores/class-store-listing-form.php:13
Method: Retrieves core fields
Source: includes/stores/class-store-listing-form.php:20
Method: Processes listing form.
Source: includes/stores/class-store-listing-form.php:80
Class: Listing Settings class
Source: includes/stores/admin/class-store-listing-process-new-settings.php:17
Method: Registers Listing settings
Source: includes/stores/admin/class-store-listing-process-new-settings.php:24
Class: Base class for displaying a meta box with all the custom fields attached to a listing.
Source: includes/stores/admin/class-store-listing-taxonomy-metabox.php:14