Source: framework/load.php:245
Source: framework/load.php:245
Method: Get the attachments for a given object.
Source: framework/media-manager/media-manager.php:718
Method: Unassigns or deletes any previous attachments that are not present on the current attachment enqueue list.
Source: framework/media-manager/media-manager.php:738
Method: Attempts to fetch an oembed object with metadata for a provided URL using oEmbed.
Source: framework/media-manager/media-manager.php:781
Function: Fires for each custom column in the Media list table.
Source: framework/media-manager/functions.php:637
Method: Ajax callback to retrieves the db options for a specific media manager ID.
Source: framework/media-manager/media-manager.php:798
Source: framework/media-manager/media-manager.php:23
Method: Delete any stored transients when media manager UI is closed.
Source: framework/media-manager/media-manager.php:823
Source: framework/media-manager/media-manager.php:30
Method: Assign a meta key containing the media manager parent ID AND a default attach type to each new media attachment added through the media manager.
Source: framework/media-manager/media-manager.php:832