APP_Listing_Details::get_details( object $item = null, array $exclude = array(), array $include = array(), string $format = '' )

Retrieves generated listing details HTML


Description Description

Parameters Parameters


(object) (Optional) Current listing item object.

Default value: null


(array) (Optional) An associative array with field attribute/value(s) used to excluded certain fields from the final field list (e.g: array( 'name' => 'my-field' ) ).

Default value: array()


(array) (Optional) Retrieves A list of field attributes used to include certain fields in the final field list (similar to $exclude).

Default value: array()


(string) (Optional) The string that contains tokens to be replaced with field value, title, id and type. The list of allowed tokens: - %value% - %title% - %id% - %type% Example: <li id="%id%"><b>%title%</b>: %value%</li>.

Default value: ''

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