
Base class for displaying a meta box with all the custom fields attached to a listing.


Description Description

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Methods Methods

  • __construct — Constructs the listing custom fields meta box.
  • _apply_atts — Apply field attributes by calling a field type specific callback.
  • _get_form_valid_fields — Retrieves all the valid fields for the meta box (excludes internal fields and others set by the include/exclude filters).
  • condition — Additional checks before registering the metabox.
  • exclude_filters — Retrieves a list of field attributes used to excluded certain fields from the final field list.
  • form_fields — Retrieve the meta box fields list.
  • include_filters — Retrieves a list of field attributes used to include certain fields in the final field list.
  • validate_post_data — Look for existing errors after each field is processed.
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